Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I'll be 20 in almost a little over 2 weeks and it pains me that I couldn't get out to restock my alcohol supply this week.
I just read over that and realized how much it doesn't make sense.
Oh well, regardless. I'll be 20 and I don't really think that I ever thought or imagined I'd be in such a good spot when I was 20.
I have a steady job that - in theory - should take me through December. I have a summer job that is already more demanding than it should be but in a month or two I'll be sort of phased out, so it'll be more relaxing and I just feel like things are budding. The chips are falling into place, so to speak.
I'm very excited to go away to Ocean City for a week. Regardless of the fact that besides Chris, I won't really know/want to be around anyone I'm going with I feel like its something I've needed. I miss the up all night, story telling, interaction. I don't get it too much anymore. Maybe on Fridays and Saturdays if I'm lucky.

Lets put this in perspective: Alex Kahan is a fucking awesome dude, how come I'm never with him?
Fro or no fro, he is still top notch. best regards.

OH. I almost forgot.
My brother in law(almost brother in law?) brought home blueberry beer last weekend and I had one(or two?) and they it was awesome.

Speaking of awesome, heres a few you can ponder:
New The Chariot/MeWithoutYou cd's soon.
Stable jobs.
Set schedules.
Awesome people.
Girls that hold conversations
and finally, Party Drugs. Party drugs are sick, kid.

Last thing on the docket: I haven't thought about you in 2 weeks now, so thank you for everything you said.
Now if I could only stop thinking about the other 'you'. You're super and I'm an idiot.

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