Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I approve of this.

I've told 'my' story to a lot of people, many times.
A year ago most of you knew a different guy. I lied, I cut corners, I didn't care and I didn't put much thought into what happened next. Around November or December of last year I started to consider the 'big picture', I thought about why I was so alone and why I can't ever keep things going longer than a few months.

I was alone because no one knew and no one cared to know, who would?
All people knew about me was that I have deep tastes in music/movies and I drink a lot.
Between all of that, I am full of substance, ideas and creativity. I want to be different, I want to be heard and I want to be appreciated.
There are few things that I won't do for the people I care about and there aren't many things I wouldn't do for good friends. I love to laugh, I love to learn and I love to listen.

While 5th grade to 9th grade for me is a blur and it was 'fucked up', I don't really consider any part of my life - besides last spring/summer - to have been 'bad.'
In fact, I've had an incredible life and from 14 to 18, I got pretty much anything/anyone I wanted. I feel like part of the reason I like listening to everyone else's problems and issues is because I don't have many of my own and I never had anything 'tough' to go through.

What I find slightly odd is that I know who I was then and who I am now, yet I've never really had a 'positive' take on myself until about 2-3 months ago. Sure, a year or two ago my flaws were glaring. I wouldn't have liked me(although everyone did.) I think I was probably too hard on myself and I do it because I'm afraid of arrogance and I'm afraid to feel cocky and/or confident.

I say it a lot but a lot of people are still 'just' finding out.
I'm a great guy, I'm full of things to say, I want to be your friend and I want to have a good time. The leaf has turned over, people know who I am and for the first time in a long time I have more people to hang out with than I have the time. Anyone who thinks they are a 'friend' of mine probably is and if I don't see you, it has nothing to do with you. I like a lot of different people at different times, I go with what works. What has happened to me the past 2-4 weeks has been incredible and there is a new story for every weekend. I'm shocked that I can keep up and the summer is going to have even more thrills.

I'm keeping up, I'm staying happy and I'm learning. I'm growing.

End of tangent.
The point of this was to tell you all to take time to evaluate yourselves and how you feel about everything. Spend some time alone and take some time to think about what is most important to you. Do what your heart tells you to, don't let anyone hold you back and stay honest. Stay loyal, stay faithful.

Things have to get worse before you can consider anything better.

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